What is your return policy?
We offer a 30-day, risk-free guarantee, where you can return the Flare undamaged, no questions asked, within 30 calendar days. For more information, please visit the Returns link.
We offer a 30-day, risk-free guarantee, where you can return the Flare undamaged, no questions asked, within 30 calendar days. For more information, please visit the Returns link.
https://returns.getflare.com. As soon as we receive it, we'll initiate the refund within 5 business days. For more information about our return policy, please visit Returns. As a friendly reminder, please make sure to confirm with us your subscripti
Unfortunately, that address is a shipping/receiving warehouse and not a store front. You would not be able to drop it off as it is typically unoccupied and only open to commercial shipping carriers. We restrict customers from going there.