What features do I get with the subscription?Updated 3 months ago
● Video Call: Have a trained agent virtually by your side via video. They’ll send help if needed and provide the video as evidence to authorities if requested.
● Chat: Text with an agent even when you're unable to speak on the phone or need to be discreet.
● Safety Timer: Bring proactive safety on your terms by inviting a trained agent (and emergency contacts if you choose) to track you via GPS for a set time. We’ll alert them and 911 if the timer expires and you don’t respond.
● A Safety Network of Security Agents: Your own 'virtual companion' who is available 24/7 via phone or chat – and will stay on the phone until you feel safe. Now you don’t have to walk home alone or go in your rideshare alone. With live GPS tracking, we can get you help quickly, if you need it.
● Self-Defense Classes: As a premium customer, you also get access to free virtual self defense classes hosted once a quarter.